Vision & Mission


In 2030, Become a Study Reference of Islam-Indonesia for the Implementation of Peaceful Dignified Society


  • Conducting education in various Islamic disciplines based on the value of Indonesian.
  • Conducting research in various Islamic disciplines for Indonesian values.
  • Conducting community service
  • Conducting community-based research services for strengthening Indonesian values.
  • Develop a campus community culture that reflects Islam-Indonesian values.
  • Organizing professional and accountable higher education management.


  1. To develop potential of students to become human beings who believe and pious to The Almighty God and have morality, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, skilled, competent, and cultured for benefit of the nation;
  2. Produce graduates who master the science and / or technology-based branch of Islamic science to meet the national interest and enhance the competitiveness of the Nation;
  3. Produce Science and Technology through Research that concern and apply Islamic values ​​to be useful for the progress of the nation, as well as progress of civilization and welfare of mankind;
  4. Creating Community-based service to Islamic science and research that is useful in promoting public welfare, educating the nation’s life in order to implement a peaceful dignified society.

In making and developing the program, IAIN Salatiga is based on Pancasila. The operational base are:

  1. The 1945 Constitution
  2. Law Number 20 Year 2003 regarding National Education System.
  3. Law Number 12 Year 2012 on Higher Education.
  4. Government Regulation Number 4 Year 2014 on the Implementation of Higher Education and Management of Universities
  5. Presidential Regulation No. 143 of 2014 on the Amendment of Salatiga State Islamic High School to State Islamic Institute of Salatiga

The existence of IAIN Salatiga has functions:

  1. Formulate policy and program planning.
  2. Organizing education and teaching of Islamic religious knowledge and technology and art that based Islam.
  3. Conducting research in the framework of development of Islamic religious knowledge and technology as well as Islamic art.
  4. Carry out community service.
  5. Implementing student coaching.
  6. Conducting activities of the academic community and relations with the environment.
  7. Implementing work with universities and / or other institutions.
  8. Organizing administration and management.
  9. Implementing control and supervision activities.
  10. Conducting assessment of achievement and process of organizing activities and preparation of reports.