Category Archives: Agenda Kampus

IAIN Salatiga Leaders Establishes Gathering with New Student Parents

August 7, 2018

SALAIGA – All leaders in State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga establish a relationship with the parents of new students in the 2018/2019 academic year, at the K. H. Hasyim Asy’ari Building, Campus 3, Monday (06/08/2018).

This activity is routinely carried out by IAIN Salatiga in welcoming new students. From various registration channels that have been opened, this year the total admission of new students at IAIN Salatiga reached 3,059.

Vice Chancellor I for Academic Affairs and Institutional Development, Dr. Agus Waluyo, M.Ag. said that the number who registered at the IAIN Salatiga in 2018/2019 academic year reached 12,000. Then the number that has passed the selection is 3,059 students.

The same thing was said by the Rector of IAIN Salatiga, Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd., that 3,059 students who were accepted had gone through various registration channels at New Student Admissions (PMB) at IAIN Salatiga. Of course each student is a mandate for us to educate and provide knowledge so that it can be useful in the community.

“We cannot alone in carrying out the mandate, the role of parents is also very helpful in educating and providing knowledge that is beneficial to the person and in society,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Basuki, S.PdI representing the parents/guardians of students said, with sincere sincere intentions as parents or guardians of students, wanting their children to be a person who can be useful in the community or themselves. On the other hand, we give to the Chancellor and all the leaders at the IAIN Salatiga to be able to study according to the existing ways on this campus.

“We as parents/guardians of students give to the institution to be able to study and provide provisions in order to be more useful later,” he said. (zid/mfl)

Being Grateful of becoming Indonesian Muslim

SALATIGA-IAIN Salatiga held a Guest Lecture with Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, M.A in auditorium of K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari building Campus III, Friday (06/07). The guest lecture entitled “Being Grateful of becoming Indonesian Muslim” attended by all officials and academic community of IAIN Salatiga.

On the presentation of guest lecture, Prof. Dr. Azra said as an Indonesian citizen we have to appreciate the tradition of intellectualism in Indonesia developed by the scholars. Additionally, being Indonesian Muslim should not be inferior and easily fascinated with the ideology of imports and apply it accidentally because of the richness of Islam in Indonesia is remarkable, how Indonesia and Islam can be integrated properly.

“Indonesian Islam characteristics or Wasatiyah/moderate Islam Nusantara that is, not the right or left extreme, tolerant and guyub (mutually), prefer to look for a common solution rather than self-hand win to be an extraordinary Indonesian power that has a bright future, thus let’s be grateful of becoming Indonesian Muslim by taking care Indonesia, “Prof. said. Azra.

Meanwhile Rector of IAIN Salatiga, Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. feels grateful for Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, M.A. can be present in our campus to give guest lectures at IAIN Salatiga. In addition, what was delivered Prof. Azra is a form of our gratitude as Muslims in Indonesia.

He also said, “As Muslim citizens of Indonesia, so do not need to be arrogant, but do not necessarily feel low self-esteem too, believe easily and glare with the presence of Islam coming from the world (Transnational),” he explained. (zid/mfl)

IAIN Salatiga having a dialog about religions with an Indian Professor

Monday (21/05/18), IAIN Salatiga was visited by an Indian Pofessor, Mr. Vita Ananta Kumar Giri. He is a professor from Madras Institute Development Studies of India. His research interest are  New Horizons of Human Development and Social Transformations in India and the World: Dialogues, Dignity and Responsibility; Religion, Spiritual Mobilizations and Social Transformations; Social Theory and Social Movements: Criticism, Creativity and the Contemporary Dialectics of Transformations; Creative Transformations in Education, Philosophy and Literature.

In that occasion, Prof. Ananta Kumar was welcomed and accompanied by Mr. Hammam, Ph.D, the Head of Postgraduate of Islamic Education Deparment (S2 PAI). The participants of the seminar are students of Postgraduate of Islamic Education Deparment (S2 PAI) in IAIN Salatiga.  Furthermore, he delivered a presentation entitled “Transformative Harmony and Human Development”. He began his presentation by giving some quotes about tolerance. One of them is

By inner values I mean the qualities we all appreciate in others, and toward which we all have a natural instinct, bequeathed by our biological nature as animals that survive and thrive only in an environment of concern, affection, and warm-heartedness—or in a single word, compassion. The essence of compassion is a desire to alleviate the suffering of others and to promote their well-being. This is the spiritual principle from which all other positive inner values emerge. We all appreciate in others the inner qualities of kindness, patience, tolerance, forgiveness, and generosity, and in the same way we are all averse to displays of greed, malice, hatred and bigotry.  So actually promoting the positive inner qualities of the human heart that arise from our disposition toward compassion, and learning to combat our more destructive propensities, will be appreciated by all. And the first beneficiaries of such strengthening will, no doubt, be ourselves.  Our inner values are something ignore at our own peril, and many of the greatest problems we face in today’s world and the result of such neglect.

–Dalai Lama (2011), Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World, pp. x-xi.

He also added by a quote from Devi (2000: 26) that “when we help others, we are helping ourselves” . This quote will have wonderful impacts, if we can apply it in our real life. Everybody will compete to help one another, without considering people’s status or level in a society. Thus, it will create a new better world. Moreover, in this moment of Ramadhan when everyone wants to keep spirit to look for Allah’s merit (habluminallah), on the other hand we should also improve our relationship to others  (habluminannas).

Additionally, he gave a defintion about transformative harmony. It is a multi-dimensional movement for realization of meaning, coherence, co-ordination and joy in self, culture and society which is not status-quoist but transformative. Therefore, it can be summed up that by creating a harmony in this life such tolerance and helping one another will develop human especially in human relationships and the last will make a better world. (MFL/IO).

an Indian Professor comes to IAIN Salatiga


an Indian Professor comes to IAIN Salatiga

TBI IAIN Salatiga holds a National Seminar on National Education Day.

On Wednesday (09/04/18), English Education Department (TBI) IAIN Salatiga holds a seminar entitled “Teaching English as A Foreign Language in the Millennial Age: Prospects and Challenges”. This seminar is presented by Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M, Hum. She is a professor of English Education in UMS (Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta). She also had been the lecturer of Mrs. Noor Malihah (the Head of TBI), Mr. Norwanto, Ph.D (English Lecturer) who also becomes the moderator of this seminar, and other lecturers in TBI. The audiences of the seminar came from the representatives of TBI students and lectures of IAIN Salatiga, and the representative teachers of Salatiga highs schools and the surrounding.

Guided by a beautiful MC, Mrs. Aprilia Adisti, M. Pd., one of the English lecturer, the seminar runs smoothly. “This seminar as a part of National Education Week”, delivered by Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph. D as the Head of English Education Department (TBI) in her speech.

The Dean of Teacher Training Education Faculty, Mr. Suwardi, M. Pd. delivered his high appreciation to TBI, “The accreditation is almost A, because most of the teachers of TBI have big spirit to continue their study both in country and abroad.” He said. Additionally, he adds, “TBI becomes the second rank of favorite faculty which is chosen by student candidates of IAIN Salatiga.” He also informed, that night this faculty would hold a big event namely Javanese Puppet Show, so he invited all audiences to come to the event.

At 09.30 AM, the seminar is started. Prof. Endang began her presentation by giving a triangle illustration about three parties in language teaching. There are language/culture in the top, then the teacher/teaching and learner/learning are in the bottom. This illustration means that in language teaching, firstly the teacher should understand the language, then understanding teaching, and the last is understanding learning/learners.

First step, understanding language which means that the teacher understands the linguistics aspect and the language teaching, such as traditional grammar as the linguistics and the language teaching used is grammar translation method, structural linguistics is taught by direct method, sociolinguistics is taught by communicative language teaching, systemic functional linguistics is taught by scientific approach, and so on.

Meanwhile, understanding teaching consists of three items, they are approach, method and technique according to Anthony’s Diagram. Prof. Endang also explained about state of the art of Foreign Language Teaching in Indonesia. The first is Traditional Approach, next are the designer approach, communicative approach (cooperative language learning, collaborative learning and genre based approach) and the last is scientific approach which are adopted in Curriculum 2006 KTSP and Curriculum 2013 (inquiry based learning).

Finally, understanding learning and learners are explained separately. Understanding learning, is about learning theories which underline foreign language teaching. The theories are behaviorism, cognitivism, humanism, and constructivism. Furthermore, the learner today is referred to the millennial generation. One of their unique competencies is the ability to effectively use broadly networked digital communication technologies to quickly accomplish a variety of tasks. Thus, the teacher should learn the learning style. For instance, the teacher should understand that the millennial students learn better through discovery and experiential learning rather than by being told. This is a challenge for the teacher to introduce new learning and teaching approaches in order to engage the millennial students. To sum up, language learning and teaching is dynamic and fluid. Therefore, teachers have put into practice a great deal of diverse activities to keep themselves up-to-date and enhance their practice. Eventually, understanding learners especially the millennials, is a key to successful teaching.

After the seminar, Dr. Setia Rini, M. Pd as the Language Teaching Expert of IAIN Salatiga gives information about the preparation of teaching practicum (PPL) to the representative teachers of Salatiga highs schools and the surroundings. The reason is the sixth semester students of TBI IAIN Salatiga are going to conduct PPL in the schools. Thus, this seminar is really appropriate for the students to have well preparation before teaching. (MFL/IO)

tbi iain salatiga on a national seminar

“Bimo Suci” Shown at FTIK Puppet Show

May 11, 2018

SALATIGA – Lakon Bimo Suci (a play of holy Bimo) as an actor in a leather puppet show organized by the Faculty of  Teacher Training Education (FTIK) IAIN Salatiga, in the yard of K.H. Ahmad Dahlam Building, Campus 3, Wednesday (9/05).

Together with Ki Dalang Joko Sunarno and Dalang Cilik (little puppeteer) Anggoro Dwi Sadono, puppet show with a play of Bimo Suci is played. On the occasion, it was attended by the Rector and the Head of Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP), and the officials of IAIN Salatiga.

Previously Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd., The Dean of the Faculty (FTIK) explained Tirakatan night (a tradition to commemorate) and that evening cultural performances deliberately on the theme of “strengthening education, promoting culture”. With the theme is certainly in line with the vision of IAIN Salatiga namely in realizing a reference to study of Islam-Indonesia in the world.

“This night Wayang performance as a form of advancing education while preserving Indonesian culture. As Wali Songo had done when spreading Islam in Java Island, “he explained.

Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd. also explained the Wayang performance itself is one of the art form which had been ever used by Wali Songo in spreading Islam in Java land. In addition, through the performance can strengthen the relationship between IAIN Salatiga community and urban community of Salatiga especially urban village.

In line with that, Rector of IAIN Salatiga, Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. in his speech said by holding this Tirakatan Night and cultural performances we feel grateful. The Wayang performance by performing a play of Bimo Suci became the cure longing of academic community of IAIN Salatiga in preserving the culture.

“Through this Wayang performance we can take great lesson, because in the performances there are many things involved, such as there are musical art education, language learning, especially Java language, theater, and vocal art, “said Rector.

He also added, the theme taken at this show is very appropriate. The theme of “strengthening education, promoting culture” is in line with IAIN Salatiga’s vision. “The theme of strengthening education, promoting culture, is in line with the vision of the year 2030 to be a reference study of Islam-Indonesia for the realization of a dignified peaceful society,” he added.

The Wayang performance is a series of activities of National Education Day (Hardiknas) organized by FTIK IAIN Salatiga. The own series of activities in 2018 itself from 1-14 May 2018. (zid/MFL)

The 7th IAIN Salatiga Graduation Ceremony: 1st Thai Students was graduated in quickest time

Saturday (14/04/18), around 8.30 IAIN Salatiga began the agenda for formal Graduation Ceremony. There were 286 students who were successfully graduated. Paraded by Menwa (Students Regiment), all of graduates ed the procession room.  A few minutes later, the Senate Team entered the room, all audiences stood up. Opened by excellent a couple of Master of Ceremony Mr. Amin and Mrs. Rani, the agenda ran smoothly. After informing the best graduate in every department, the agenda continued by calling all students who would be inaugurated by the Rector of IAIN Salatiga, Dr, Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd.

In session of student’s speech Rizqiya, the best student of Islamic Education Department, she finally could not bear to cry in delivering her speech. It makes all audiences cry too. She gave her big thanks to her parents for all efforts, hopes and prays until she could stand there with her best title. The touching situation was still continued, when Fitria Kumala Sari sang a song entitled “Ibu” (mother). She would be a representative of IAIN Salatiga in a competition in Purwokerto.

The interesting fact from this ceremony is a Thailand student named Hakimee Samalee, became the first International student who was graduated from IAIN Salatiga. He was an English Department Student, and he was successfully graduated in quickest time namely 3 years and 7 months. Well done! Hope he will be pioneered and inspiration for other Thai’s students to study in IAIN Salatiga. (MFL/IO)