Monthly Archives: Juli 2018


June 11, 2018

Ramadan is in last days

The purpose of this training, Insha Allah we have mastered well. We have mastered the ability to: be discipline and appreciate time, be self-controlling, be honest, be patient, be steadfast, be positive-minded, have spirit of learning, and have social and generous spirit.

God willing, inspiration and insight to change our life forward

We also get through the descent “lailatul qodar” on us. Just be poured in the action plan after fasting month. Thus, after entering the month of Shawwal (which means “increase”), our lives will undergo measurable and programmatic changes. Because life and the future we can only change

Through our changing attitudes and habits, As the sage says: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” (Henry Ford)

Action plan of post-Ramadan training a year ahead

It contains the targets we want to achieve in the various dimensions of our lives

In relation to God, in. profession, family relationship, etc., whatever we want to achieve in post-Ramadhan, try to apply them. After that, write down what habits should be changed in us. The main thing of course is time management

Arrange and be on time for: worship, work, with family, and rest. Continue the habit of waking up for sahur, praying tahajud and pray. Continue to control the mind and the five senses, always be positive thinking.

We may also set our target alms, both the nominal and the beneficiary’s range

Then work with a focus on progress. Every day there must be progress for our target. Oh yes … do not forget to include the names of relatives, friends, acquaintances and those who have been instrumental in the journey of our lives.

What we are targeting to be able to visit one another. Because we know that silaturrahmi prolongs life and opens the door of rizki

May we continue to change and improve ourselves, And prepare ourselves to fulfill His call.

Hopefully we will be “satisfied” when facing Him. And … Allah also ridlo see our charity, and receive us back. Aamiiin.

Wallaahu a’lam


June 10, 2018
When the fasting person feels hungry and thirsty during the day, So he was advised to be aware and grateful for his situation, that later in the afternoon it would almost certainly have been available to eat and drink for him. While remembering the suffering of the poor who feel hungry everyday, and certainly nothing to eat, or if there is, must be obtained with difficulty.
The hope of the fasting man to be inspired to give alms
Until then he became a philanthropist

Generosity, the essence will return to self
Both kindness (blessings) in rizki and his life
And in his personal health
Because generosity creates happiness
At the time of alms, in one person will appear
Love hormone (oxytocin) in large quantities *
It makes it healthier and happier, feels needed,
And feels to have a long-term goal (akhirat)
May this be one proof of the truth
The Word of God:
إن أحسنتم أحسنتم لأنفسكم وإن أسأتم فلها
If you do good (means) you do good for yourself and if you do evil then it is for yourself … (Q.A. Al-Israa: 7)

Fasting itself is healthy for the human body
Added with the happiness that comes with alms
That multiplies immunity and healthy
Indeed, it brings a great blessing
Not only is the reward and heaven waiting tomorrow there
But the blessing is acceptable in the world
Subhaanallah .. God, who is very Love to all His servants
Who gave all His Shari’ah
For the good and the success of human life, the world and the hereafter
Wallaahu a’lam

* Taruna Pledge:


June 14, 2018

Like troops, right now we’re back from a big war

And victory in the face of the enemy

That is within us

It is one with self, and may have long been the master of this self

That is lust, greed, egoism, anger, etc.

That is why we say takbir and tahmid

As a sign of joy, it also contains recognition

God is Great, we are all small, meaningless

Powerless, powerless, except with His help

So, not worth at all patting the chest

And think of victory as our own effort

Therefore, strike with the sentence tahmid

He is the one who should be praised, we are not worthy of praise

We are full of defects, disgrace and sin

It is only because of God’s mercy that the disgrace is still covered by Him

So we praise for Him and thank to Him

For His help, for His mercy and compassion


Then … when it has acknowledged the greatness and glory of God

And realize the many disgrace and sin upon yourself

Surely we will always be humble and hopeful of His forgiveness and ridho

And … surely we will be humble in the sight of men

No longer hesitate and prestige to admit mistakes and apologize to others

To light our load

The apologetic expression actually implies

That we have forgiveness too for our brother’s fault

Because we are aware, holding a grudge that will only nourish various heart diseases

The slow but sure, will also hurt our body.


When we have done it

Our journey ahead will be lighter

We also feel better prepared when someday called to Him

That is certain and close, even when, where, and how secret

And we hope God gives a good end for our lives.




تقبل الله منا ومنكم صيامنا وصيامكم وكل عام وانتم بخير

All wrong, please forgive

Being Grateful of becoming Indonesian Muslim

SALATIGA-IAIN Salatiga held a Guest Lecture with Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, M.A in auditorium of K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari building Campus III, Friday (06/07). The guest lecture entitled “Being Grateful of becoming Indonesian Muslim” attended by all officials and academic community of IAIN Salatiga.

On the presentation of guest lecture, Prof. Dr. Azra said as an Indonesian citizen we have to appreciate the tradition of intellectualism in Indonesia developed by the scholars. Additionally, being Indonesian Muslim should not be inferior and easily fascinated with the ideology of imports and apply it accidentally because of the richness of Islam in Indonesia is remarkable, how Indonesia and Islam can be integrated properly.

“Indonesian Islam characteristics or Wasatiyah/moderate Islam Nusantara that is, not the right or left extreme, tolerant and guyub (mutually), prefer to look for a common solution rather than self-hand win to be an extraordinary Indonesian power that has a bright future, thus let’s be grateful of becoming Indonesian Muslim by taking care Indonesia, “Prof. said. Azra.

Meanwhile Rector of IAIN Salatiga, Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. feels grateful for Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, M.A. can be present in our campus to give guest lectures at IAIN Salatiga. In addition, what was delivered Prof. Azra is a form of our gratitude as Muslims in Indonesia.

He also said, “As Muslim citizens of Indonesia, so do not need to be arrogant, but do not necessarily feel low self-esteem too, believe easily and glare with the presence of Islam coming from the world (Transnational),” he explained. (zid/mfl)