Daily Archives: Mei 16, 2018

TBI IAIN Salatiga holds a National Seminar on National Education Day.

On Wednesday (09/04/18), English Education Department (TBI) IAIN Salatiga holds a seminar entitled “Teaching English as A Foreign Language in the Millennial Age: Prospects and Challenges”. This seminar is presented by Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M, Hum. She is a professor of English Education in UMS (Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta). She also had been the lecturer of Mrs. Noor Malihah (the Head of TBI), Mr. Norwanto, Ph.D (English Lecturer) who also becomes the moderator of this seminar, and other lecturers in TBI. The audiences of the seminar came from the representatives of TBI students and lectures of IAIN Salatiga, and the representative teachers of Salatiga highs schools and the surrounding.

Guided by a beautiful MC, Mrs. Aprilia Adisti, M. Pd., one of the English lecturer, the seminar runs smoothly. “This seminar as a part of National Education Week”, delivered by Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph. D as the Head of English Education Department (TBI) in her speech.

The Dean of Teacher Training Education Faculty, Mr. Suwardi, M. Pd. delivered his high appreciation to TBI, “The accreditation is almost A, because most of the teachers of TBI have big spirit to continue their study both in country and abroad.” He said. Additionally, he adds, “TBI becomes the second rank of favorite faculty which is chosen by student candidates of IAIN Salatiga.” He also informed, that night this faculty would hold a big event namely Javanese Puppet Show, so he invited all audiences to come to the event.

At 09.30 AM, the seminar is started. Prof. Endang began her presentation by giving a triangle illustration about three parties in language teaching. There are language/culture in the top, then the teacher/teaching and learner/learning are in the bottom. This illustration means that in language teaching, firstly the teacher should understand the language, then understanding teaching, and the last is understanding learning/learners.

First step, understanding language which means that the teacher understands the linguistics aspect and the language teaching, such as traditional grammar as the linguistics and the language teaching used is grammar translation method, structural linguistics is taught by direct method, sociolinguistics is taught by communicative language teaching, systemic functional linguistics is taught by scientific approach, and so on.

Meanwhile, understanding teaching consists of three items, they are approach, method and technique according to Anthony’s Diagram. Prof. Endang also explained about state of the art of Foreign Language Teaching in Indonesia. The first is Traditional Approach, next are the designer approach, communicative approach (cooperative language learning, collaborative learning and genre based approach) and the last is scientific approach which are adopted in Curriculum 2006 KTSP and Curriculum 2013 (inquiry based learning).

Finally, understanding learning and learners are explained separately. Understanding learning, is about learning theories which underline foreign language teaching. The theories are behaviorism, cognitivism, humanism, and constructivism. Furthermore, the learner today is referred to the millennial generation. One of their unique competencies is the ability to effectively use broadly networked digital communication technologies to quickly accomplish a variety of tasks. Thus, the teacher should learn the learning style. For instance, the teacher should understand that the millennial students learn better through discovery and experiential learning rather than by being told. This is a challenge for the teacher to introduce new learning and teaching approaches in order to engage the millennial students. To sum up, language learning and teaching is dynamic and fluid. Therefore, teachers have put into practice a great deal of diverse activities to keep themselves up-to-date and enhance their practice. Eventually, understanding learners especially the millennials, is a key to successful teaching.

After the seminar, Dr. Setia Rini, M. Pd as the Language Teaching Expert of IAIN Salatiga gives information about the preparation of teaching practicum (PPL) to the representative teachers of Salatiga highs schools and the surroundings. The reason is the sixth semester students of TBI IAIN Salatiga are going to conduct PPL in the schools. Thus, this seminar is really appropriate for the students to have well preparation before teaching. (MFL/IO)

tbi iain salatiga on a national seminar